martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Copy directory folder PHP

Copy whole directory folder PHP

It is not exist any php function that allow make a copy of whole folder to another directory. The copy function not make it , only can a single file copy

below it show and explain some ways to do it.

function copyDirToDir($src,$dst){

$dir = opendir($src);


while(false !== ( $file = readdir($dir)) ) {

if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) {

if ( is_dir($src . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file) ) {

copyDirToDir($src . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file,$dst . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);


else {
copy($src . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file,$dst . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);


In this case the function copyDirToDir, receive as parameter a source direction and a destiny direction where it makes the copy


1- Both directories are valid , destiny direction is not need exist beacuse it will be create but the tree route until penultimate folder must be valid.

2- Must exist permissions in both directories for make copy and create files.

It makes a recursive search of the folders and copy all files.

Copy using command (shell_exec)

$src = "moises/home/public_html/folder";
$destiny = "moises/home/public_html/destiny ";

shell_exec("cp -r $src $destiny");

Copy files by patterns

If we wants make a copy of all files with extensions (.php) in a folder, we can make use of the function copyPatternToDir see the way below:

copyPatternToDir(“lib/*.php”,”lib2”); // of folder lib all files (.php) to folder lib2

function copyPatternToDir($pattern, $dir)

foreach (glob($pattern) as $file) {

if(!is_dir($file) && is_readable($file)) {

$dest = realpath($dir) .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. basename($file);
copy($file, $dest);



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